Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Professional Writing - 8 Tips on Being a Premium Published Writer

Professional Writing - 8 Tips on Being a Premium Published Writer

It is the heart desire of every business man to make it to the top and be well recognized for what (s)he does.Likewise, the dream of almost all writers is to see his/her piece indelibly put on the 'wall' and read by many.The human nature has an impulsion not to be satisfied with the present.Do you blame them? Every folk has an outright craving for the best in any opportunity.Little wonder Hellen Keller (n.D) said that one cannot consent to creep when one has an impulse to soar.Are you a pen holder that transforms thoughts into write-ups or you belong to the voiceless clique that cries out with letters? It is not strange you have tried some futile efforts at the ladder of your noble profession and perhaps you are now bothering your head on re-strategizing.Good news for you! The great secrets you suffered the ignorance all along are now exposed clearly.Some steps on writing for professional audience are flooded with light.Have a nice climb;.1.Originality.I honestly don't see any reasons why you need to be a plagiarist.I think a premium published writer or an expert author is a better identity.You are good enough to receiving accolades for professionalism from facts you put down in your own words.Read and digest all sourced materials used, then write from your newly acquired knowledge.If at all you need to quote other writers' work, see to it that you reference adequately and accurately.Professional writing requires adequate citations.2.Great Topics.Get the audience attention with your topics.Keywords-oriented topics generate more traffic to your writings thereby promoting your expertise.However, don't stuff your topics with keywords.Be careful in your punctuations; don't break the standard punctuation rules and no periods after topics.3.Mastery of the Medium Language.Language is a system of words, punctuations and tenses.Endeavour to use the right words to express your ideas.Pass your thoughts to the audience unaltered.Don't dent your ideas and give them wrong meanings with your punctuations.Please, no repetition of punctuation marks like '!!!' or '???'. they never connote emphasis; don't be mistaken.Good tenses are paramount.Make the best combination of all these to create great grammatical structures and excellent piece.Beware; editors are thrilled at your errors.4.Guidelines Adherence.I wouldn't know the dos and don'ts of the writing company you work with nor the specifications of your present customer.However, one thing is certain and helpful, follow them to the letters.Don't use the unspecified referencing style.Guidelines are not meant to be broken.5.Uniqueness.Your outstanding writing skills give you a peculiarity.Try not to be like others.Creative and critical thinking makes you stand out of the crowd.Stir up a hunger in your readers and make them ask for more.Engage your editors with your uniqueness and turn them to followers.6.Simplicity and Clarity.Make yourself simple and clear enough.Don't try to impress your readers with jaw-breaking words.Be succinct in your approach and retain readers with well driven-home points.Educate but never confuse readers.7.Quality-driven Contents.Endeavour your contents are sincere ideas and findings that are paramount.Don't insult the intelligence of the readers and never try to break away from your headline.Deliver your topics; create a good impression of yourself.8.Persistence.Never quit, don't ever.Meeting with brick walls at some junction doesn't infer the end.'My greatest concern is not whether you have failed, but whether you are content with your failure' (Abraham Lincoln, n.D).Lastly, stay at the top of the ladder by staying informed.Change is the only constant thing in life - update yourself.Hope you had a nice climb?

Professional Writing - 8 Tips on Being a Premium Published Writer

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